Templates Gallery

This page contains the latest versions of the code renderers we are using internally for other projects.
Reegenerator ships with similar example code renderers that you can use to learn how to use the product or as a starting point for your specific generators. The renderers on this page can be slightly more complex but they cover more than the out of box ones. If you can identify a renderer on this page that is a good starting point for what you are trying to achieve, then download it and start with it.
Due to the fact that we use C# internally, some of the code renderers will be provided as C# only. We are commited to support both languages within the templates gallery, as we did with the out of the box renderers.
These renderers are provided "AS IS", you can use them however you want, but Kodeo Limited is not liable for such use.

Customize Standard Designers Generated Code

  • LINQtoSQL - replaces the code generated by the LINQtoSQL designer.
  • Datasets - replaces the code generated by the Dataset designer.
  • Settings - replaces the code generated by the Settings designer.
  • Resources  - replaces the code generated by the Resources designer.

Advanced techniques

  • Dinamically invoke generators and create project items - two samples on how to create a variable number of projects items.


  • Roslyn access - access to Visual Studio Roslyn workspace. For 2015 and higher. Make sure you reference your VS installation dlls.

Database and Data Access Code Generators

  • DataReader - generates a data reader that can be used to access and modifiy the data contained in a table or a view.
  • CreateStoredProcs - generates stored procedures SQL script from a database table. It also generates the creation script for stored procedures defined in the database.
  • CreateTable - generates a table creation script from a a database table.
  • CreateFunctions - generates a SQL script that creates all the functions defined in a database.
  • CreateViews - generates a SQL script that creates all the views defined in a database.
  • ExcelWorksheetAsInserts - generates a SQL script from an Excel document that inserts data into a database table.
  • ExcelWorksheetAsStructuredInserts - generates a SQL script from an Excel document that inserts data into a database table.


  • Standalone execution - template loading, transformation and generated code execution performed in a standalone application, outside Visual Studio.

WCF Services

  • GenerateImplementation - generates a WCF service implementation from a factory class for a given interface.
  • GenerateProxy - generates a WCF service proxy from a factory class for a given interface using the same classes as the implementation.

Web Services

  • GenerateImplementation - generates a web service implementation from an interface.
  • GenerateProxy - generates a web service proxy for a web service implementation using the same classes as the implementation.