
  • Visual Studio Integration
    Excellent Microsoft Visual Studio integration - Everything runs within Visual Studio and is as standard as it can be. Source control, template design, code editing, IntelliSense, tooltips, integrated help, context sensitive help, debugging, breakpoints, quick watch, variables watch, errors window, build and output window concur to providing a professional development experience.
  • Low-Learning-Curve
    Very low learning curve - this is due to the tools familiarity as above and to code generators authoring requiring very little knowledge about Reegenerator or its SDK libraries.
  • Any-File-Type
    Generate code from any type of file or input - any file can trigger and be the source of code generation process:
    • Office Documents
      Microsoft Word, Excel and any other Microsoft Office documents - you can generate code from the documents received from the business or business analysts. If the sign off process includes these documents, the automated code generation will give you the peace of mind that the code you deliver is the exact reflection of the signed off documents.
    • Xsd Schemas
      XSD schemas - you can define business objects as elements of XSD schemas and generate the associated code.
    • Xml Files
      XML files - you can generate code based on the metadata defined in XML files. The XML structure can be anything you like and you can force adherence to an XSD schema to ensure the metadata correctness.
    • Databases
      Databases - you can generate code from databases. You have access to the settings of the projects and you can inspect the database properties. You can use native database providers' libraries (e.g. Microsoft SMO for SQL databases).
    • Customize Designers
      LINQ to SQL, Resources, Settings, Datasets - you can customize the code generated by the standard Visual Studio editors.
    • Code Files
      Code files - you can generate code based on other code files.
    • Any File Type
      Any other file type - any type of file can automatically generate code.
  • Multiple Outputs
    Multiple files output - you can generate multiple files from one project item. This feature is particularly useful when generating from database tables as you can generate with only one definition the table creation SQL script, the stored procedures SQL script and the data access layer class.
  • Customize Designers
    Customize code generated by standard designers - you can customize the code generated by standard IDE designers. For example you can build your own LINQtoSQL or Dataset code generator. You will still be using the powerful editors supplied with Visual Studio, but you will have full control over the resulting code. This applies to LINQtoSQL, datasets, settings, resources, web services proxies and any other file that uses custom tools as a mechanism to generate code.
  • Code from Code
    Code from code - you have access to real time metadata of the code belonging to the solution. You can therefore generate code from manually written code. E.g.: you can manually write an interface and automatically generate a factory class implementing a singleton pattern and exposing the interface methods as static methods. Editing the interface will also update the factory class including comments.
  • Visual Studio Class View Information
    Solution hierarchy and class view information easy access - when coding your generators, you have access to the Visual Studio IDE representation of the solution you work with. This gives you same knowledge and capabilities as the IDE itself. For complex scenarios you can easily refer other items in the same solution. You therefore can generate code by aggregating information from different projects.